The Knights Way Centre 32A Knights Way
Brentwood CM13 2AZ
Phone: 01277 220510
Or use our contact form.
Expanded business hours
We're now open earlier to serve you better.
We offer awide range of activites at The Knightsway Centre and cater for all age groups in our local and wider community. If you would like further information on these activites please contact the centre on 01277-220510 option 1
Heres a list of our weekly activities:
Monday 9.45am-10.45am Yoga-Contact 07890510622 or
Monday 6.30pm-7.30pm Yoga-Contact 07890510622 or
Monday 9am-11.30am Twinkle time contact Izzie on 07505396242
Tuesday 9.30am-1.30pm Hartbeeps contact Jo on 07920728732
Tuesday 8.00pm-9.00pm Yoga-Contact 07890510622 or
Wednesday 4-7pm Renee dance school-Contact 07808951431
Thursday 10-11am Yoga-Contact 07890510622 or
Thurdsay 9.30am-1.30pm Hartbeeps contact Jo on 07920728732
Thursday 7.30pm-8.30pm Yoga-Contact 07890510622 or
Friday 9am-11.30am Baby Ballet contact Laura on 07534260067
Saturday 9am-12pm Baby Ballet contact Laura on 07534260067
Happy Tums contact Teresa on 01277886181
The hall is now available for hire for childrens brthday parties/christenings/wakes